
Case Study

The Challenge

Founded in 2010 by Doug Chambers and Matt Sena, Fieldlens was a startup based out of NYC that was looking to improve construction job site management software. When I joined the team in 2013, they had an initial user interface that they wanted to improve upon, and they needed to connect with construction field site managers and contractors. 

I created the onboarding screens for the FieldLens mobile app.

My Role

I worked on the mobile and web app UI, studying responsive web design (which was, at the time, a fairly new technology) to help create an experience that would be consistent regardless of the device the UI was viewed on. I also designed and coded responsive templates for jobsite notifications and marketing emails, designed trade show and marketing graphics, and created illustrations for a corporate website redesign.

I created the onboarding screens for the FieldLens mobile app.

What I Learned

I studied responsive web design for about a year, honing skills that I would later use to create UIs and websites for future clients. I am forever grateful to the design team at FieldLens - we all grew together to create something groundbreaking for the construction industry. It was during this time that I first studied User Interface design, and began putting together a set of guidelines that I would apply to future UI projects.


I worked with FieldLens through several rounds of funding, and as the team grew from a small group to a small company. Eventually FieldLens was acquired by WeWork in 2017, and the software is still widely used throughout the construction industry.

A banner I created to promote the new LiveLayer feature in the FieldLens app for a tradeshow event.

“Cindy has been great to work with. She’s efficient, creative, and very personable.

— FieldLens Creative Team

A large format graphic I created to promote FieldLens’ new LiveLayer feature for a tradeshow.


Outlier Inspired


Paper Crane Theory